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Poster of the 'laid-back' exhibition

Laid-Back was an Art group show that located at the Biscuit Factory. Its curators and participants were students from the Chelsea, Wimbledon, and Central Saint Martin college, who brought together different forms of artworks, including Oil Painting, Installation, Film and Video, and performance etc. 


Installation work on the site


Installation work on the site


One might interpret the title of the exhibition Laid-Backas affable, breezy, devil-may-care, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, low-pressure, mellow. Or by words related to the theme as carefree, casual, dégagé, lackadaisical, nonchalant, unaffected, unconcerned, unfussy, unperturbed, untroubled, and unworried. 


In the hustle and bustle of cities, we live fast paced lives. Spurred by materialism in a global world, this heady pace makes us frustrated, self-closing, anxious and fretful. We would rather not live in a hurry, and find ourselves caught in a trap with the mundane requiring attention, like arriving on time. 


Laid- backtakes on a musical form that allows audiences to feel easygoing, unpressurised and nonchalant, maintaining dignity. The tempo of this sort of music, in our view, mimics a kind of life in which we follow our own pace regardless of industrialised time schedules. By creating an enjoyable life environment, it gives us the time and space to reflect on the condition of our work-life balance. We hope that this relaxed and flexible atmosphere transfers to all who visit the exhibition.

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